2010 Reunion



Billy and Bobbie Aquillard welcomed into the DJS


Left to right: Alyne Swayze Gray, Minnie Swayze Smith and Julian Swayze Glanton
Patricia Mooney Marlowe and family. Patricia is in the middle row, 3rd from left.  Julian Swayze Glanton on far right.

Mooney Marlowe
Walter, Martha, and Vivian Williams with Dan Tarver
inside church
Sunday General Assembly

Sunday General Assembly


Rev. Samuel Swayze> Nathan Swayze> David Swayze> Benjamin Swayze> James William Swayze> Two sons--James Arthur Swayze & Jediah Watkins Swayze

James William Swayze & Nancy D. Watkins
   ~James Arthur Swayze   J. A. Swayze (1855 - 1894) & Melissa Jane Davis 
        -Martha Ann "Minnie" Swayze &  Robert Adams Wilkinson 
            --Irma Swayze Wilkinson Mooney   & J. W. Gaston Mooney
        -Richard Bruce Swayze  1878-1942   & Florence Mabelle Enete Swayze (1881 - 1925)
            --Henrietta Melissa Swayze Glanton  Henrietta Melissa Swayze Glanton (1913 - 2002)  & Julian O Glanton  
   ~ Jediah Watkins Swayze   1856-1937  Swayze, J.W.  
            --Jediah Williams Swayze 1902-1960     


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